RJ Coffee House

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Location: Santa Rosa, California, United States

Learning to love Jesus more and more, appreciate his grace, and worship him.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Well some of you may not know this but I have sad news about my coffee habits. Basically it goes like this. About 9 or 10 months ago I started to get heart palpitations. It was crazy and not so fun. I went to the doctor, because I'm always so responsible, and he told me this...

No more caffeine! Actually no more stimulants, such as antihistamines. You know, what's in allergy medication. So I have had to lay of the juice, coffee, and pills. But I cheat all the time and have a cup here and there. I hasn't killed me...yet.

All of this to simply say I don't know how I can keep up on a coffee blog when I don't get to enjoy the witch's brew. And don't tell me about decaf. I drink it because it tastes vaguely like coffee but it is nowhere as good.

So I may have this site dedicated to coffee voyeurism. I watch people enjoy the brew and take photos, post them, and report what a saw. So if you see someone poking around your bushes with a camera don't shoot him for heaven's sake!