RJ Coffee House

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Location: Santa Rosa, California, United States

Learning to love Jesus more and more, appreciate his grace, and worship him.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

One More Secret

I just can't let this blog go. Even though I do not drink coffee, well not as much as I used to, I still think about coffee, and like writing about it. So I thought I would give you guys one more secret. Again, this isn't that big of a deal and it may appear simple, but it is absolutely necessary to the perfect cup of coffee.

The secret is fresh beans. I know it is nice to buy beans in bulk but it simply doesn't work if you store the beans for a long time and then try and make a cup of joe with them. The coffee just tastes nasty. I know, because on Thursday I made some coffee at night and I used the only beans I had and they were about a thousand years old. Consequently the coffee tasted, um, how do you say, NASTY.

So remember if you are planning on having guests over and serve them coffee, consider buying the beans that day, preferably if they have been roasted that day too. This will be a sure way to impress your friends and insure they keep coming over to hang out with you!